Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Favorite Movies

1.State Property

1. This is how the movie starts how a guy name Beans. He wants to the king of dope dealings. He wants to take out the easiest person around the hood. By doing this him and his boys would drive to where they want to go, and they would ask that person to pick stuff of him and work for him. He would say get down or lay down. There was no other choices for the people if they said no then they would of got shot down and if they said yes then they would work with him. This movie there is absolutely no snitching. But you know there has to be at least a snitch in some hood. These guy where making so much money. They had enough money to run away but they got to greedy of money so they stayed and did there thing. Some around in the hood snitch on him, so the cops raided his house and his buddies. Every thing got screwed up for him. When he went to court the who snitch on him was there. And his boyz where there to so they shot him up. And they killed the cops. But this wasn't they true ending because their is a part 2 to this. I liked this movie because it crazy how he takes down people. And how he says get down or lay down.

2.Half Baked

2. It starts when these guys were younger they tried smoking weed and they got really high. And then they went to the store and it was like heaven to them. Every thing was big to them. Chocolate, Slushy everything in the store was huge. So these guys end up growing together and smoking weed. Then one day when they got really dank they told one of his buddies to go to the store and buy food for his friends. He went into the store and bought everything that he was told to. He came out of the store and he seen a horse he began to feed it some of his food. He was to high that he didint even notice that he gave the horse all the food and then the horse collapse. Then the officer seen the horse drop he began to cry and ask him what did you do to my horse. So that cop got angry and put him to jail. And his buddies found out that he went to jail. So they had to find a way to get his friend out. His buddie who work at the hospital as the character. Some doctor asked him can he run to the medical room and pick him something up so he did it. He there and gave the lady a piece of paper that the doctor wrote. So she got and he started to trip out. He didint know that he had to get a pound of weed. He was shaking like it was gold or something. He gave it to the doctor and then doctor gave him some. It was some dank he shared it with his friend and and began to give some samples to people with thier numbers on it. And so on him and his boys decied to rob the hospital. They did buy they got caught after. Then they made enough money to get his friend out and that was the end.

3. Next Friday

This movie is about how a guy has to go to his cuzins place. So he did but where his cuzing lives it not like where he leave. He lives in the hood and his cuzing lives and rich hood. It like kinda of pimp out. His uncle is a really nice guy who likes to smoke weed. His wife find that guy really attractive. She likes to do him. But he dosent want it from her. They were on the street and they seen a spanish girl accross the street so he went over the and holla at her. What he dosent knoe that her brothers are gangsters. So her brother send his dog on him so he had to run away. So this guy got really mad and wanted to do something about it. He is like a hood guy and his cuzin is like chicken. So they had to make a plan. The next day the spanish guy brought a big tank of money in there house. They wanted to find out whats in there so they went into the house. His cuzin was scared so he went into the house by himself. He went into the room that her brother put the money in. Then all of a sudden his brother pop in but he didn't catch him because he was hiding behind the door. Because they were distracted buy the girls that they brought home. So he ran up stairs and bumped the girl him met out side. And they talked and then he had to leave. His cuzin thought he was getting jumped so he went in. But what his cuzin dosent knoe is that he allready left. So he went in there and ask oh do you guys have any sugar they siad what dose it look like her a convience store. So they took him as hostage. They tied him up and was about to kill him. But then his family came to rescue him and those guy went to jail.

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